Escape Room

On Tuesday some of the year 7 and 8 students went into town to try and escape from an escape room. In my group was Greta, Maea, Brooke, Breanna and Steve.

We went into the escape room called; The Memories of Nikola. It was 5/5 in hardness. We escaped but went 1.50m overtime. I enjoyed it but it was my first escape room so I was unsure what to do.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday a group of year 7 – 8 students went in groups around town looking for things to take photos of.

There were 30 tasks – I was working with Maea and Tara. We completed 30/30 tasks.

The main places we went to were; the botanic gardens, cookie time, the elephant park, New Brighton beach.

I enjoyed the botanic gardens the most.



Boulder Bay Walk

Yesterday some people from the William Pike Challenge went for a walk near Taylors Mistake – to Boulder Bay. We drove down at 9.00am and started walking at about 10.00am. I walked with Mikaela. We stopped and looked for penguins. I didn’t see any but some people did. We carried on walking towards Boulder Bay. It was such a relief once we finally got there, and played in the water. We got a frozen coke on the way back, from Stacy. I enjoyed the walk but I would’ve enjoyed more time to play at Boulder Bay. I would do it again.

Rotational Symmetry

Today for maths we were doing rotational symmetry in letters.

We had to find the lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry.

Rotational symmetry is where you have to rotate an object, say a circle. You rotate it until it looks the same as when you first started.

Science Roadshow

On Monday Sharon’s literacy group went to the hall for the science roadshow. It was run by a lady from the Art Center. We made a 2d and a 3d model of an atom structure. Then we watched Graham’s science experiments. I enjoyed the science experiments, and have no questions.

Science Experiments – MythBusters

For the past couple of days we have been watching and describing what MythBusters have experimented on two videos. We learnt about the scientific method – test, guess, use certain equipment, if it works – good, if not change one thing at a time. – and whether these myths are real or fake.

Duct Tape Tires;

Can you ride a bike with duct tape tires?
We think that duct tape tires will work.

How smooth the ride was. They measured using mls of water lost from a cup.

They changed the tires;
duct tape tires
regular tires
the W,L,H of duct tape wheels

They didn’t change course, distance, bike or person.

Experiment: (equipment + steps)
They used;
duct tape,
cup with water,
set up course
make duct tape tires
get cup of water on bike
ride bike with different wheels
The regular wheels worked best because they were smooth, and lost the least amount of water. The duct tape tires were 2nd best but weren’t too smooth they lost less water than just rims. The worst type of wheels were the rims because they were rough and spilt the most water.
It did work but I wouldn’t use duct tape, because I have wheels.

Water Slide Into Paddling Pool;

Can you slide 150ft off a water slide into a paddling pool?
You can’t travel that far and land in a paddling pool.


Speed, distance, direction

starting point on slide – speed, body position, person sliding

Angle of slide, length and angle off the ramp

Water slide – same Angle, weight, height as in video.
Soapy water
Cameras, GPS
Floating ring


Set up slide
Water and soap on slide
Slide from ½
Slide from ¾
Slide from top
Set up floating ring and tried again
Repeated with another person
One person reached 15mph down the slide and got 4ft, and then the next went 30mph and got 72ft. The higher on the slide where you start the further in the water you land.
You can slide down the slide into a pool, just not that far or in that small of a pool.