Tag: Literacy

Haymitch – Paragraphs

The mentor – Haymitch Abernathy. He was the first person from District 12 to win the hunger games – at 16 years old.
A mentor is an older figure, wiser and experienced. Like a teacher.

We know that Haymitch is a mentor because in previous games he has won The Hunger Games from District 12. When someone wins the games they mentor the next contestants from their district. At the start on the train Haymitch is quite unhelpful to Katniss and Peeta because he is drunk trying to forget his time in the games. Over time Haymitch becomes reluctant but expands in usefulness. But then nearer to the end you can tell that he does actually care, and he has empathy.

From the books we can tell that he is very unhelpful from the words they use. The sort of words they use are ‘staggers’, and ‘slurred’. From the words we can tell he is drunk, and unhelpful. In the clips it shows Haymitch is extremely drunk, when he walks in clutching his stomach. We can tell that Haymitch is a messy person when there’s no one to impress or nothing for him to gain when he walks on the train with his buttons undone, grey shirt which is supposed to be white, he probably hasn’t showered in a long long time. He is unhelpful mainly because he is drunk and also because he knows that the tributes – Katniss and Peeta will probably not survive. A way that we can tell that he is unhelpful is when Peeta tries to get advice and Haymitch closes off.

He is a reluctant mentor because he gives some advice “Stay alive” but it is pretty obvious that staying alive is the main goal for everyone who enters the games. He starts getting a bit more involved with Katniss and Peeta by grabbing Katniss and pinning her against the wall. He does this because Katniss gets frustrated at Peeta when Peeta tells Caesar that he likes Katniss – and pins Peeta against the wall. Then karma comes for her in the form of Haymitch.

We see in the games that Haymitch has dynamically changed in the course of the movie because when Katniss has been hurt and struggling in a tree – she needs medicine which means she needs people to buy her some. Haymitch sees how hurt she is and actively gets sponsors to buy her the medicine she needs.


Peeta Mellark – Paragraphs

The ally – Peeta Mellark. He is a 16 year old boy who won The Hunger Games with his teammate from District 12, Katniss.

The word ‘ally’ means that they are supportive towards the other person, and they are trustworthy, helpful, just overall their teammate and friend.

We know that Peeta is the ally because when Katniss and Peeta are at the opening ceremony Peeta grips Katniss’ hand and lifts it into the air. He does this because he knows that if they want to survive in The Hunger Games then they need sponsors and to get the sponsors they need the crowd to like them, the crowd enjoys them especially when they do this. The outfits Cinnar creates also helps the matter since they are unique.

Peeta shows internal and external conflict throughout the movie/s.

Internal conflict means in their mind, so mentally and emotionally. External conflict is physical, so characters or environment.

One way when internal conflict is shown in the movie is when Peeta is getting interviewed by Caeser, and Caeser asks if there is a special girl in district 12. Peeta eventually says yes, but he doesn’t think she noticed him until the reaping. Caesar suggests that if Peeta wins The Games then the girl won’t be able to turn him down. Peeta replies that he doesn’t think that’d help because she’s here with him. Which means he likes Katniss, he didn’t want to say this because he was afraid of possibly losing Katniss, even of Katniss knowing. But also because if they both make it to the top two then they might have to kill each other. An example of external conflict being shown is when Katniss and Peeta are on the train and Haymitch – their mentor comes in drunk. Haymitch then sits next to Katniss and Peeta. Peeta tries prying Haymitch’s drink away from him, Haymitch doesn’t like this and pins Peeta to his chair. This is external conflict because it is phyical and a person is doing it to him.

Katniss Everdeen – Paragraphs

Katniss Everdeen the winner and hero of The Hunger Games, a 16 year old girl.

She is very brave because in the start she walks under the high voltage fence into the woods – where no one’s allowed to go, which also makes her a rule-breaker. This is also shown when in the reaping her 12 year old sister Prim Rose’s name is called, but Katniss is horrified by this and volunteers herself in Prim’s spot. This also shows compassion because she is risking her life for Prim and any ordinary person would probably die in The Hunger Games.

Katniss also shows strength both mentaly and physically because you would have to be very strong to win The Hunger Games. An example of her showing mental strength is when Rue dies and Katniss has to pull through to survive. Her showing physical strength is when she has to run from the obstacles that the controllers of The Games throw at her. One of the obstacles that they give is fireballs and she has to try and outrun the fireballs before it engulfs her in flames. When sprinting she gets struck by a fireball on her calf and still has to escape. This also shows resilience because although she’s hurt she still runs and runs. Thanks to her mentor Haymitch she applies a generous amount of healing stuff on her wound to make it heal fast.

We know that she is a skilled hunter because when she is showing her skills off to get sponsors she shoots her new bow and arrow up to the judges and shoots the apple in between the pigs mouth. By doing so it also shows impulsiveness because she wasn’t thinking when she did that. It does show that she is skilled but it also could’ve put off the judges from being her sponsor.

A way of showing that she is caring and respectful is when Rue dies she feels sad because Rue reminds her of her sister Prim, and so when Rue dies Katniss walks around looking for flowers. When she finds what she is looking for she puts them by Rue’s body. Every district can watch every moment and so when Rue dies her district is so upset especially her family. Katniss shows respect when she kisses three fingers and puts them into the sky. This is being respectful to Rue’s district. Which then shoots outrage in Rue’s district and everyone tries to shoot the peace keepers. Which doesn’t end too well for them.

Katniss is very confident and in the end of the first movie there are two people left – Katniss and Peeta. They are from the same district and in love. So they decide they will eat poisonous berries so they don’t have to leave each other. However the controllers of The Games decide just this once they will allow two people to win.


Blue and black dotted pointed hat and gown. Black sharp shoes with a wooden broom stick. Her orange hair flies in the breeze.

With a cackle she uses her magical powers to lift hotdogs from the stall, she gobbles it up fast – before anyone notices. She decides she needs a drink so she goes to the lemonade stall. She laughs to herself before lifting a full glass of yellow drink into the air. She moves it towards her but gets distracted by a flock of birds. The cup falls quickly and smashes into a million pieces on the grey concrete. She fastly flies away back to her castle. She stirs her big black pot with green liquid inside. Lifting up the spoon she tastes the mixture. She likes it so much she eats it all up so quickly you wouldn’t have been able to count to five in that time.

Who do you think this is?